Monday, January 31, 2011

10 things you should do in a café or restaurant…!!!!

Posted by UnifiedBloggers | Monday, January 31, 2011 | Category: |

1] Yell out loud, ‘Hail Mary bless this food and make all the cockroaches and earthworms yummy!’
2] Choose any random lady in the corner of the room and sit beside her explaining that the specialty of the restaurant is dog shit.’
3] Tapping at your neighbors shoulder and saying that you saw something crawling in their plate.
4] Chew and make annoying noises like, ‘Nom nom nom.’
5] Sit beside a young romancing couple, burst into tears and yell out, ‘Oh when I was of your age…….!’
6] Yelling again and again after every five minutes, ‘Waiter….waiter….waiter…..WAITER…waiter….’
7] Talk about your recent surgery, ‘And you know Bob! It took them eight days to clean my toe nail… was all infected with sticky green fluid.’
8] Pretend as if you are talking to somebody on the phone and every once in a while spit the water you drink and exclaim, ‘Oh this is so funny…that the water jumped out of my mouth.’
9] Order three large pizzas and after eating, whisper into your neighbor’s ears that you have money enough to pay one pizza.
10] Make stupid faces at the neighbor’s kids…and punch the kid on the face when he imitates you.

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