Monday, October 17, 2011

Need Bloggers!!!!!!1

Posted by UnifiedBloggers | Monday, October 17, 2011 | Category: | 0 comments

Need Bloggers To Take This Blog Forward

For Further Info Contact :

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do’s and Don’ts while you have to kiss a Girl!

Posted by UnifiedBloggers | Thursday, July 28, 2011 | Category: | 0 comments

1. Do brush before its too late. No one wants to be responsible for a death due to bad breath!
2. Don’t panic when you realize that the person you want to kiss is making the first move.
3. Look into her eyes .
4. Don’t avoid eye contact unless she does. O_O
5. Make sense while you talk because no Girl would want to be with a Guy who blabbers when he is Nervous.
6. Don’t go ahead to kiss confidently. (You never know if she feels the same.)
7. Choose somewhere warm and lonely. You won’t want to look like a fool if she turned away in Public.
8. Don’t make a wild move. Be soft and gentle when you begin.
9. Show her that you want to come closer (Explain it in good terms or she might slap you if she feels uncomfortable.)
10. Don’t start with some painful topic to distract her.
11. Kiss her slowly.
12. Don’t Choke her or keep her holding if she wants to move away.
13. If she is responding well, hold her near. (Girl doesn’t like to be in distance! :\)
14. Don’t keep your eyes wide open in surprise. (Not only is that a turn off but also convinces a Girl that you’re a Retard)
15. Hold her waist or neck. ^_^ (It feels comforting and Kyute.)
16. Don’t stop breathing because you can’t believe that you’re kissing! xD
17. Let her go within few seconds. (That is the judgment time to know if she will kiss you back or turn away.)
18. Don’t make weird faces to show that you disliked kissing her.
19. Look into her eyes deeply.
20. Kiss Her AGAIN! :D

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Funny ways to propose

Posted by UnifiedBloggers | Wednesday, July 27, 2011 | Category: | 0 comments

Just some funny ways to propose her/him ............ (at your own risk!!!)

1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)
   "You're under arrest!" (For what?) "For stealing my heart."

2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?

3. Are your legs tired?
   ( girl: Why?)
   because you have been running through my mind all day!

4. "I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?"

5. Can you give me directions to your heart? I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes

6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, She would say,"What are doing")
   respond, "Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven."

7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)
   "I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are."

8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?

9. Walk up to a guy and say: "Are you from heaven?"
   "No" he answers. "Oh, I thought all the angels were from heaven"

10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek and die on your lips.

11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?
    They put U and I together.

12. Are you lost?
    Cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.

13. Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by you again?

14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.

15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.

16. You can forget about going to heaven because it's sin to look that good.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 Ways How to Annoy Poor People

Posted by UnifiedBloggers | Thursday, July 21, 2011 | Category: | 0 comments

1.when a poor person says ''Spare some change?'' give him a type of money no one has ever heard of.
2.when you know someone is going to ask for money, confuse him by asking HIM for money.
3.when you see someone with a cup full of coins, sit right next to him and scare everyone away.
4.if you see a sleeping hobo, put your empty liqueur bottles next to him, so people will think he will waste his money on booze.
5.if you see an empty cup (used for change), make paper cutouts of paper money.
6.put a sign right next to a guy that says ''i am blind, so please dont take my money'' or ''i have very bad health/i smell badly/i am going to die of swine flu/back to work at 5:30.'' a lot of food and jingle your cash right infront of him of him.
8.stare at him.
9.give him a spray paint can and a paper bag and tell him ''knock yourself out''
and finally 10.take him to your house, give him a cup of coffee, ask him how didi he wind up on the streets, intreduce him to your family, take him to the bar. get him so drunk he blacks out, nows your chance to take him to the worst place possible, write of his face and do whatever the hell you want with him. hey, you did give him that coffee 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

20 things to do in a hospital

Posted by UnifiedBloggers | Thursday, March 31, 2011 | Category: | 0 comments

1.Complane of sever stumic cramps until you are seen to by a dotor or nurse then when they approach you say "wow doc i feel way better thank you " then for added crazyness walk out backwards

2. Run around screaming that you dont whant to see the dentist

3. One word for you flatulance

4. Ask repetedly if they are gonna operate on you

5. Pretend to be a doctor

6. Whenever a nurse passes make a swit swoo noise or say "helooo nurse "

7. Run around the hallways wearing an alien mask

8. When the doctor comes kick him in the shin then say " HOW DO YOU LIKE IT HAHAHA "

9. Run in wearing a leotared your face covered in lipstick and scream tell them your looking for doctor\nurse how did this to you

10. Wear sunglasses and tell the lady at the front ofice that you may have gone blind then take off your sunglasses. look amazed and leave imediatly touching every thing that you pass

11. Scream at every body who passes

12. Crawl in on you hands and nees sniffing everything pretending to be a dog

13. Play with the electric beds

14. Tell the lady at the front office "This is the worst hotel ive ever been to gosh and you call yourselfs H.M.R Hospital"

15. Break out in a tap dance every 5mins

16. Ask the lady at the front desk to order your fave magazine because they havent got it on the table in the waiting room.

17. Throw your shoes at the doctor when he enters the room

18. When you enter the doctors office claim that you saw a room just like this in an alien movie

19. Moooo very loudly (repeat if needed)

20. Kick up a fuss because the doctor is not The doctor from casualty


Please note that some of these may get you arrested

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